Rules of Use
The following regulations to be applied for the use of the web site and social media. These rules of use will be published in the club magazine and on the club WEB site.
- A dedicated club official is to administer the WEB and Facebook accounts.
- Administrator passwords are to shared with president and secretary only.
- All club event communication to be via email and club meetings
- Facebook is not to be used as a communication medium for club events.
- No racist or sexist remarks are to be posted on Web Site & Social Media
- Any item, which offends an individual, is to be removed by the administrator at the request of the offended party. There will be no exemptions. The person who posted the item is to be notified by the administrator that the material is inappropriate. The administrator may not divulge any information relating to the complainant.
- No Posted photos are to be tagged with an individuals identification
- Facebook Home page access to be maintained at a security level such that all posts are to be authorised by the administrator.
- Facebook Group page access to be maintained at a security level of secret, which allows only members to post and access content.